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dfgrte5t6 : The Useful Guide for Arch

Kick: 5-point multiply-add 1 point, to strengthen enforcement of this skill is actually quite before the nuclear factor. How did not hurt peak, this capacity is very high, if the increase in the cost of skill point

** ייַנטיילן דעם בלאָג **

אַלגעמיינע אינפארמאציע


שאַפונג: 24/04/2010 04:44
דערהייַנטיקן: 24/04/2010 04:45
ארטיקלען 1
וויסיץ פון דער וואָך 3343
גאַנץ וויזיץ 884

dfgrte5t6 :: The Useful Guide for Arch

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: The Useful Guide for Archlord Strategy - 24/04/2010 04:45

Kick: 5-point multiply-add 1 point, to strengthen enforcement of this skill is actually quite before the nuclear factor. How did not hurt peak, this capacity is very high, if the increase in the cost of skill points. Full If you are pure play(Archlord Gold), This technique is to strengthen the attack skills, in the "mortal threat, full panic, damage, or" objective state group. See his hobby, not recommended if the full peak.

Dragon boxing: 10 points/compulsory, 5:00 to strengthen liters dragon fist. In fact, this strengthening of natural gas storage rose dragon fist, is down, you can have, can increase the regeneration of damaged, but the three divisions of the game(Archlord powerleveling) all the profession now attack speed quickly, did xu qi PK.

Others do not give you the opportunity to group, we have the opportunity to play a responsible Ren Xiangfeng than direct skills we can appear flashy gas. Generally have words put directly to the strange skills in Archlord, high. Liters dragon fist too far in scope, straight distance is very small.